Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
KidZone – Children’s Ministry
Vision: Every child who comes to Hillcrest will be trained in the biblical instruction which will set the foundation for further development in hopes of bringing them to Christ!
Mission: We seek to partner with parents and/or guardians in the biblical instruction of their child to develop their knowledge of salvation through Christ. Hillcrest Kidzone strives to lay the biblical foundation in order that kids may grow into the men and women God has called them to be. This will be done through the unique services and curriculum which are offered at Hillcrest Baptist Church.
Vision: Every child who comes to Hillcrest will be trained in the biblical instruction which will set the foundation for further development in hopes of bringing them to Christ!
Mission: We seek to partner with parents and/or guardians in the biblical instruction of their child to develop their knowledge of salvation through Christ. Hillcrest Kidzone strives to lay the biblical foundation in order that kids may grow into the men and women God has called them to be. This will be done through the unique services and curriculum which are offered at Hillcrest Baptist Church.

Camp Lela


KidZone Times
Sundays 9:30am-10:30am
KidZone Sunday School – Children’s Hall
1st -3rdGrades Childrens Hallway
4th - 6th Grades Childrens Hallway
1st -3rdGrades Childrens Hallway
4th - 6th Grades Childrens Hallway
Wednesday's (During School Year) 6:30pm-8:00pm
No Wednesday meeting in Summer
AWANA 4 Years old thru 6th Grade